Do you feel that highschool youth still somewhere inside you, but slowly drifting away? I have the cure; Pulse. One can of this and you'll recieve a blast from the past. Bringing back those ever longing feelings of becoming a dirty slut whoes life only involves their Gallaz, hipster flared jeans and joondalup late night. Don't worry i wouldn't expect you to do such a thing before experimenting myself. Me and my fellow truste Izzy Gee got down to business...
As for our results, 'DISSAPOINTED'. Only made us sick and reminded us of why no decent person drinks them anymore. Both agreed it was a pointless experiment...
Notice the first google link. "Pulse (The Best Alcoholic Drink Ever)" That's what i like to call false advertising. Oh and for how many people voted on it, you don't need to no. Thanks for "..."