Thursday, March 12, 2009

You ain't seen nuffin' yet

So me and my fellow truste lady Gee came across some hawaiian woodrose seeds. We had no idea of the day that was ahead of us..
Apparently it's normal to get the sick feeling after consuming these little seeds (that taste like decaying wood.) As a result i power chucked in kings park garden 3 times. Right next to an elderly couple trying to have some form of romantic lunch. After they realised what they witnessed, they decided to leave pronto.
No idea what happened after that, drawing ants up our arms...

and on my shoe sole.
At this time we began to develop tunnel vision with nothing coming between us, some art supplies and a sketch book. Things got a little messy..
"I've been laying down for some time now, just rolling my feet around on the grass, i turned around to see my socks were covered in dirt and little did i know that pleasant feeling was actually my toes diggin' numerous holes into the grass."
feeling so content rolling around wrapped in blankets. Didn't care at all about looking some what like retards to every other person having picnics or the usual family outings.

After this peak on the trip, i made the worst decision.."lets drive to sweet lips". This is where things went downhill.
Try ordering a serve of hot chips and a crab stick when your trippin' balls. Not the best idea i assure you. Waiting for 10minutes seemed close to an hour with nothing but the sound of dripping sweat, beady eyes and buzzing flies.

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